
About Me

I received my Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and have been working in the field of psychology for the past 14 years.

My passion with psychology began with my own search for happiness. In high school, I found myself struggling with a new range of emotions, a birth of existential questions, and unwanted stress. I dove into books and movies that illustrated the inner workings of the mind and quickly found myself pulled towards the field of psychology. As I studied I gained a better understanding of the value of emotion and discovered powerful tools to manage stress. Ultimately I began to move forward with a greater sense of purpose and confidence in life.

My experiences led me to working as a supervisor in residential centers where I brought the same heart and compassion I found for myself to others who were suffering. I volunteered for 2 years in Central America to support the underprivileged and drove the dusty roads of Alaska to save money for college. I’ve been privileged to work beside clients in extreme states as they overcame unlikely odds to find their ground. I found that when people are given the proper tools, compassion, and space, they can truly thrive.

I am grateful for the opportunity to follow my passion as I sit with people like yourself, hear your stories, and celebrate your triumphs.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Now Accepting  CenCal. Superbills can be provided for all other insurances. 155/hr